Letter to Parents (2022 - 23)

Date of issue
Letter to Parents
20 / 07 / 2023 暑假須知
20 / 07 / 2023 Summer Revision Class for S1-S3 Students
14 / 07 / 2023 Intensive English Remedial Course
14 / 07 / 2023 S4-S5 Closing Ceremony
14 / 07 / 2023 S1-S3 Closing Ceremony
13 / 07 / 2023 2023-2024 學年退修選修科
13 / 07 / 2023 Appointment of Principal
30 / 06 / 2023 舊書買賣活動
28 / 06 / 2023 Subject Selection Form for S3 Students (2023-2026)
21 / 06 / 2023 S1-S3 Post-Examination Activities and Closing Ceremony
21 / 06 / 2023 S4-S5 Post-Examination Activities and Closing Ceremony
23 / 05 / 2023 Graduation Ceremony
19 / 05 / 2023 S1-S3 Yearly Examination in 2022-23, Yearly Mark Distribution and Post-exam Arrangement
19 / 05 / 2023 S4-S5 Yearly Examination in 2022-23, Yearly Mark Distribution and Post-exam Arrangement
05 / 05 / 2023 「跳出網惑,做個智NET父母」家長講座
05 / 05 / 2023 Singapore Study Tour (For non-THS Students)
05 / 05 / 2023 Singapore Study Tour (For THS Students)
05 / 05 / 2023 Collection of the 3rd Installment of Miscellaneous Fees
25 / 04 / 2023 中五級中文科校本評核
31 / 03 / 2023 Lesson Arrangements on 20 and 21 April 2023
24 / 03 / 2023 S1 and S2 2nd Uniform Test 2022 – 2023
24 / 03 / 2023 S3 2nd Uniform Test 2022 – 2023
03 / 03 / 2023 家長教師會 親子旅行
03 / 03 / 2023 家長興趣班 (下學期)
03 / 03 / 2023 S5 Saturday Oral Practice
03 / 03 / 2023 S4 Saturday Oral Practice
03 / 03 / 2023 Seminar for Parents on Senior Secondary Subject Selection
24 / 02 / 2023 Parents' Day
03 / 02 / 2023 Collection of the 2nd Installment of Miscellaneous Fees
03 / 02 / 2023 「香港藝術節青少年之友」計劃
16 / 12 / 2022 新春水仙花栽種班
16 / 12 / 2022 Play Day
16 / 12 / 2022 S1 Half‐yearly Examination 2022‐2023
S2 Half‐yearly Examination 2022‐2023
S3 Half‐yearly Examination 2022‐2023
S4 Half‐yearly Examination 2022‐2023
S5 Half‐yearly Examination 2022‐2023
09 / 12 / 2022 S6 Mock Examination 2022‐2023
29 / 11 / 2022 Fee for S6 Graduation Activities
24 / 11 / 2022 2nd Collection of Miscellaneous Fees (S6)
11 / 11 / 2022 Collection of the 1st Installment of Miscellaneous Fees Using the Smart Card System
09 / 11 / 2022 家長興趣班
27 / 10 / 2022 全校全日面授課堂安排 (2022年11月1日至2023年1月31日)
27 / 10 / 2022 Annual General Meeting of Parent-Teacher Association Cum Junior Form Parents’ Day
21 / 10 / 2022 S6 Parents’ Day
19 / 10 / 2022 S1-S4 Activity Day
19 / 10 / 2022 S5 Outing Day
19 / 10 / 2022 S6 Outing Day
07 / 10 / 2022 有關學生津貼申請安排(2022/23 學年)
07 / 10 / 2022 S1 - S3 1st Uniform Test 2022 - 2023
07 / 10 / 2022 家長教師會 親子電影欣賞會 「等一個擁抱」
03 / 10 / 2022 家長小聚
03 / 10 / 2022 S6 Saturday Oral Practice
03 / 10 / 2022 S5 Saturday Oral Practice
26 / 09 / 2022 有關陸運會因應惡劣天氣而作出之安排
23 / 09 / 2022 賽馬會「樂天心澄」靜觀校園文化行動
16 / 09 / 2022 全校全日面授課堂安排 (9月19日至10月31日)
16 / 09 / 2022 Parents' Night on Junior Secondary Curriculum (S1 & S2)
16 / 09 / 2022 Talk on Multiple Pathways to Tertiary Education
16 / 09 / 2022 After-School Study Room for S6 Students
16 / 09 / 2022 Athletic Meet
02 / 09 / 2022 有關快速抗原測試安排及須注意的事項
02 / 09 / 2022 S6 Uniform Test
02 / 09 / 2022 家長教師會義工招募
02 / 09 / 2022 Mock Examinations of Core Subjects co-organized with External Educational Organizations
02 / 09 / 2022 Matters Related to Privacy Safeguards for Students Taking Online lessons, Collection of Images and Videos of Students and Display of Students’ Work
01 / 09 / 2022 Reminders on Student Discipline
Educating Students on the Proper Use of Mobile Phones
Yan Oi Tong Tin Ka Ping Secondary School
Shan King Estate, Tuen Mun, N.T.
2464 3731
2464 3243
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