National Education has remained a topic in the Policy Addresses in recent years. Riding on the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Education Bureau has allocated funds to several organizations promoting study tours to the Mainland.

The object of National Education is not to produce political serfs, but to cultivate nationals with knowledge, perspectives, aspirations and commitment, which is also the mission of public schools.

The last 30 years of China's Open-Door Policy has given rise to indisputable economic achievements, significantly raising the living standard of her people. However, political turmoil and class struggles during the same period are also important lessons in history.

The line-up of China's achievements and challenges is phenomenal: an Olympic Games met with unprecedented success, the ground-breaking launch of Shenzhou VII, and a third-ranking GDP in the world; but at the same time, dire poverty in inland areas, uneven development across the country, excessive exploitation of natural resources, environmental pollution, centralized political power, and systemic corruption all present formidable risks for sustainable success, notwithstanding the will and courage to overcome these problems.

The 60-year old Republic no doubt marks the beginning of a new chapter in 5000 years of Chinese history. But looking at Han, Tang, Song, Ming and Ching Dynasties, each with its vicissitudes and spanning over 300 years, we can say the days ahead for the young Republic will invariably abound with challenges.

The relationship between Hong Kong and the Mainland has been a swinging pendulum: from destitute relatives in the past to new bosses at present. If our attitude towards our Mainland compatriots is either disdain or flattery, can we still call ourselves quality nationals? Appreciating the achievements of our country does not equate with complacent glorification. Grown-ups should possess a balanced perspective of our nation and her people; while maintaining a strong emphasis on independent thinking, primary and secondary school students should also be imbued with a sense of collectiveness.

National Education is by no means a mere subject; it permeates all the facets of public school education, including subject curriculum, cross-subjects and co-curricular activities, and it manifests in both classroom and extra-curricular learning experiences.

Yan Oi Tong Tin Ka Ping Secondary School
Shan King Estate, Tuen Mun, N.T.
2464 3731
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