Targets and Policies

A.    Organizational Chart

A.    Teaching Targets and Policies
a. Overall Targets

1. Students

(1) To assist students to acquire basic knowledge and skills, including the effective use of languages, numbers and information technology, and to develop multiple intelligences.
(2) To foster the students' attitudes and skills in life-long learning, rational thinking and critical reflection.
(3) To train the students' physique and will power; to cultivate in students the ability to appreciate and create beauty.

2. Teachers

(1) Under the spirit of ‘All for Students’: To understand the lives and minds of the students; teaching work is after all driven by the overriding objective of achieving wholesome growth for students.
(2) To strengthen management, refine the organization structure and raise operational efficiency; leaders at all levels to lead by example.
(3) To establish a culture of continuous improvement; to enhance teachers' professional attitude and skills.

b. Overall Policies

1. Students

(1) To help students build a solid foundation in Chinese, English and Mathematics, with special emphasis on raising the students' English standards to prepare for the EMI learning environment in senior forms, as well as a balanced exposure to applications of information technology.
(2) To best prepare our students for different public examinations.
(3) To encourage the development of school-based curricula and to gear the teaching efforts towards the abilities of students:
.For students with above-average capabilities, to enhance their study skills (e.g. self-learning ability, analytical skills, and knowledge application ability, etc.), and consolidate and expand their knowledge base.
.For those below-par students, to assist them in grasping the core subject knowledge and improve their study skills; to bring them up to an acceptable level of attainment through the artful use of incentives and penalties.
(4) To promote students' logical thinking and to stimulate their creativity so that they can learn to solve problems independently and rationally.
(5) To educate the students about the importance of life-long learning, and at the same time to enhance their adaptability to changes.
(6) To encourage students to learn about their civic rights and obligations.
(7) To help students understand the cosmopolitan nature of the Hong Kong society; building consensus while accommodating differences in viewpoints and cultures.
(8) To cultivate the students' interests and stamina in sports activities and get them into the habit of exercising.
(9) To strengthen the students' abilities in appreciating both oriental and western culture.

2. Teachers

(1) To actualize the spirits and benefits of Total Quality Management (TQM) and School-Based Management (SBM).
(2) To strengthen middle management in order to enhance school efficacy.
(3) All heads of departments to become accountable figures and experts in subject knowledge and administration.
(4) To organize professional exchange sessions among teaching staff; to encourage them to participate in school-based curriculum development.
(5) To encourage lateral cross-subject collaboration.

B.      Responsibilities

1. Academic and Administrative Team: To assist the Principal in all academic and administrative matters.

2. Curriculum Development and Subjects Committee:

(1) To compile teaching schedules for all subjects and forms;
(2) To coordinate the curriculum development effort for all subjects;
(3) To encourage teaching staff to take part in the school-based curriculum development plan;
(4) To encourage professional exchange within each academic subject (including discussion on teaching methods, lesson inspection, review of students' school work and assessment of teaching efficacy);
(5) To coordinate student intake and to oversee the subject availability for all forms.

3. Student Learning:

(1) To step up the learning atmosphere, including thorough planning of the students' learning process, organizing learning activities, reviewing the learning progress of students, organizing remedial teaching activities tailored to the learning needs of the students (e.g. remedial lessons and supplementary examinations), establishing reward schemes to reinforce positive performance (e.g. bookshop coupons, certificates of merit, public recognition, etc.);
(2) To implement and review the effectiveness of the MOI policies;
(3) To oversee the student organizations – Academic Activities Committee;
(4) To compile and maintain the lists of textbooks for all forms.

4. Administrative Affairs:

(1) To oversee the compilation of school calendars, lesson timetables, and examination timetables;
(2) To handle the students' streaming arrangements;
(3) To maintain and safekeep all student records, including students' report cards and personal files;
4) To maintain and safekeep all management and administrative records of the School, including meeting minutes, examination scripts, and marking schemes, etc.;
(5) To supervise the clerical duties of the School Office;
(6) To oversee the internal test and examination arrangements.

5. Examinations and School Places Allocation:

(1) To oversee all affairs related to HKCEE and HKALE, including the following up on examination entries and related activities, arrangement of examination centre supervisors and invigilators, and the recording and analysis of examination results, etc.;
(2) To oversee the places allocation for all forms, including S1 places allocation (discretionary places and central allocation), and the Junior Secondary Education Assessment System;
(3) To oversee all the arrangements regarding Chinese, English and Mathematics tests administered by the Education Bureau;
(4) To compile internal examination timetables and to oversee invigilation arrangements.

6. Student Data and Computer Information:

(1) To maintains and use the School Administration and Management System;
(2) To assist in surveys and teaching assessments;
(3) To maintain students' and streaming data.

Yan Oi Tong Tin Ka Ping Secondary School
Shan King Estate, Tuen Mun, N.T.
2464 3731
2464 3243
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