I am delighted to join the family of Yan Oi Tong Tin Ka Ping Secondary School as the third principal. As I embark on my tenth year in this role, I am truly excited about the opportunities that lie ahead, and my primary focus is on nurturing the students' learning journey, with a strong emphasis on student care, character education, and fostering diverse development.

Student Care: Education is an interactive and collaborative process, which is essential for teachers to prioritize the well-being of their students. Creating a nurturing campus culture is of paramount importance. I firmly believe that every student possesses boundless potential and unique value, and it is my commitment to ensure that students "enjoy campus life and aspire for learning" by fostering a warm, inclusive, and caring environment within the school. In addition, it is my strong conviction that only in such a supportive atmosphere can students develop a healthy self-image, a positive outlook on life, and fully realize their potential. Ultimately, my goal is to help them become good citizens who contribute meaningfully to society.

Moral Education: The school motto, "After establishing yourself, help establish others," drawn from Yong Ye in The Analects of Confucius, embodies our educational principles and underscores the importance of building students' character. We strive for the balanced development of the five fundamental qualities: virtue, wisdom, physicality, gregariousness, and aesthetics. The character of our students not only shapes their own future, but also has a profound impact on the broader society. My belief is that every student has the potential to become a role model, influencing others with their positive attitude and behavior, and making valuable contributions to society.

Diverse Development: Education is not solely about imparting knowledge; it should also foster students' holistic growth and tap into their unique potential. Regardless of their academic achievements, each student possesses individual strengths and talents. I have always been deeply committed to creating and nurturing a high-quality learning environment that inspires students to explore their personal interests and unleash their potential. The school will offer a wide array of courses and activities, including arts, music, sports, science, and community service. Furthermore, we actively encourage student participation in various competitions, both within and beyond the school, to expand their horizons, ignite their creativity, and bolster their confidence. My earnest hope is that every student will embrace the value of "learning to learn" and have the opportunity to showcase their talents.

As the principal, I consistently remind myself to uphold integrity and be a role model for the entire school community. I am fully dedicated to contributing to the growth and development of our students.

In conclusion, I would like to extend my heartfelt wishes to every student in our school. May they receive abundant love and support, cultivate exemplary character, and achieve multifaceted growth on their journey of personal and academic development.


Dr. Kai Sze Fai

Yan Oi Tong Tin Ka Ping Secondary School
Shan King Estate, Tuen Mun, N.T.
2464 3731
2464 3243
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